A structured settlement buyer is someone who purchases a settlement from individuals who receive them for injury settlements. It is impossible to know what a settlement buyer does without knowing what a structured settlement is. A structured settlement is a type of worker’s compensation payment that is paid out in installments over a period of time that the company and injured party agree on. The settlements are often used when the worker sues the company. The company will offer the settlement rather than going through the much longer process of having a trial.
The structured settlement buyer is an individual or company that purchases the whole settlement from the injured worker. This means that the injured person receives the whole amount all at once. The settlement buyer then receives the smaller payment installments over time. This kind of buyout of a settlement payment can be very beneficial to an injured person. Usually there are a lot of up front expenses that occur when there is a worker’s compensation lawsuit or injury. The ability to pay all of these expenses at once is much easier than having to struggle to pay them off years later. In this way a settlement buyer can be a lifesaver to someone who has been injured.
It is possible to find a structured settlement buyer almost anywhere. They are located in every major city in the United States. One of the best ways to find a settlement buyer is through a lawyer. They often communicate with each other. A lawyer can recommend the best buyer for each individual. It is also possible to find the buyers online. A simple search will reveal any buyers in each area. A website will also tell if the buyer specializes in a certain area of compensation or if they are a general buyer
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